Not too much to say today; Emma and I are getting a little better after the worst colds ever took our noses and lungs hostage. I almost threw up from coughing so hard last night but Jared didn't hear anything! I can't believe how deeply that man can sleep. One peep and I'm up and running no matter what time it is.
I think I'll just post some picture of the family at Christmas. It was the best holiday season since my childhood and I'm just so thankful that we could spend it with family.
Erin (cousin extraordinaire) and I making our Gram's famous sour cream cookies. There was a funny incident when Erin started grabbing the dough exclaiming "We need about 3 more cups of flour!" and I attacked her yelling "THIS ISN'T HAND DOUGH!" and scraping the dough from between her fingers with a big spoon. Yeah, you kinda had to be there. This pic was taken immediately afterward:

Emma kissing her new baby from Grammy and Papa; also her favorite Christmas present! She's really fantastic at taking care of her babies, so we're hoping this crosses over to taking care of her new sibling!

Emma and Josh dancing to "The Wiggles: Yule Be Wiggling!", a favorite DVD of both of them and my godson Joey.

The official Christmas card photo this year:

Just the four of us, although Baby Bean is hiding!

Jared and I took a break from being Santa to snap a picture of how happy and excited we were. It was the best Christmas of my life, thanks to Jared, Emma, Bean, and all of our family and friends.

Simon, Bre, Erin and I enjoying the annual Christmas Eve party at AuntiAnn & Uncle Bob's house.

I have a picture of me playing this organ at Ann & Bob's when I was just a bit older than Emma is here! My favorite Christmas picture of this year. :)

My sister Nicole flew up with her precious daughter Paige, who turns a year in January. We've only seen her once before this visit, so were were all thrilled to spend time with them!

Jared, Emma, me, and Bean (deep within but so close to our hearts) on Christmas Eve.

More pictures to come....probably posted above! :)