Friday, April 11, 2008
We were all set to have a fun and exciting Friday...until both Emma and Savannah took a turn for the worse! Savvy was up all night long; I had to hold her through the night so she could breathe, and even then she awoke every 20 minutes or so to cough up some pretty disgusting stuff and cry about it, toss and turn for while and babble herself to sleep while I sung her the girls favorite lullabye. Emma woke up with the same cough that Sav has and a runny/sneezy nose.
This means we'll be missing out on three big things that were supposed to happen today:

1. Saying goodbye to Grandma and Papa - my parents leave today at 2pm to visit my sister Breanna in Uxbridge, England. We were going to give my parents some letters and drawings made by the girls to pass on to Bre and her love, Simon. And we haven't seen Grandma and Papa since Monday, so Emma was really looking forward to seeing her Grammy. They'll be back in 8 days, and that's a long time for us not to see them (I'm really close with my parents, as are my girlies). Even though I'm 28 and have a family of my own I still feel lonely when my mom goes away. She really is my best friend (besides Jared of course) and I love just being near her. And my Dad just adores Emma and Savannah. They are Papa's girls, for sure - just like their mommy.

2. Emma's last Rolly Pollies class of the session. I can't believe I have to make her miss this! But there's really no way I could possibly take Savannah (she's just so, so sick) and Emma is sick now too, so they wouldn't appreciate me bringing her to spread around the virus. But she friggin' loves Rolly Pollies and I'm not sure we'll be able to do another session with her for awhile. Needless to say it's been ixnay on the ollyray olliespay. We don't want her upset, so we're just pretending it's not Friday.

3. Our big potluck dinner tonight! Now, this is the ONE thing I didn't want to have to miss! We have a Monday playgroup with my best friends and their kids (8 moms, 13 kids) and our buddy Maureen (Mo) and her kids just moved and left us in January. Her husband Bryan came home from Iraq and they were finally able to be a family again! Mo has a daughter named Maddie (Emma's BFF) and a son named Luke (born on Savannah's birthday - I heard her screaming while in labor before I even knew her!). Mo and her family are in town for a visit and the entire playgroup; moms, kids and husbands were going to meet for a potluck dinner tonight. And now we're going to have to miss it. I am beyond bummed about this! If the girls are doing okay tonight I might sneak over for a quick visit with everyone. But I doubt it.

So that's what we're missing today. It's one of those rainy, everybody's sick, don't-wanna-do-anything kind of days. I think I'll make some Belgian waffles for lunch and play some Raffi. Might not sound like fun to others, but some it always makes us feel better!

Posted by Kier at 9:25 AM |