First, it was our 4th wedding anniversary on August 16th. I got him a watch, he got me a locket with pictures of the girls inside; something I had mentioned months and months ago. This is insane; the man has NO memory to speak of, yet he managed to surprise me by giving me the one thing I really wanted! Also, a dozen long-stemmed red roses. :)
It was my sister's 26th birthday and no one was going to be home (Mom, Dad, and Sister took Brother to Indiana for his first year of college). So I made sis a cake and she celebrated with hugs from her little man:
The girls have been doing fine. Emma is the smartest child I've ever known! And so darn cute, I can barely stand it!!

Here's Adam, my little brother, the night before he left for school. Oh, how I miss him. We've always been super close, and it feels like there is a hole in the family now.
Savannah is getting so big! Her hair on top is starting to grow back now, and her eyelashes are sooooo super long, just like her big sissy's!

Daddy and Emma have been enjoying building with Em's new humongo legos. See the crazy robot?
Daddy and Emma have been enjoying building with Em's new humongo legos. See the crazy robot?
Emma and I have a lot of time to play with Savannah while Jared works. She's such a good big sister, always ready to hold a binky in place, get me a diaper, or give me a hug when I'm feeling overwhelmed. (And yes, we are both wearing purple). :)

We got tickets to see The Wiggles on Oct.27th, Savannah 4th month birthday! Jared and I go to see Tori Amos on Oct.24th, so it's going to be a very busy and exciting week for us!!!
We got tickets to see The Wiggles on Oct.27th, Savannah 4th month birthday! Jared and I go to see Tori Amos on Oct.24th, so it's going to be a very busy and exciting week for us!!!
Savannah is awake now....gotta run. More later.