Jared works 4 days a week, 11 hours a day. This leaves me saying "just keep swimming" over and over to myself during the hard times when PPD leaves me thinking I'm unable to cope. I. hate. this.
But we're getting by. I'm doing okay. Emma and Savannah are both joys and wonderful babes and make the darkness less blinding. It's not as bad as last time, only a few times of utter terror and helplessness. All in all, I'm doing really okay.
Also, going for certification from DONA, doulas of north america. Yep, gonna be a certified doula. Very exciting for me, a calling for sure. Also going for my masters in literacy in the spring, so very busy.
Okay, that's about all. Oh, random pics of the girls:
Emma's kissy face: (21 months old!)
Savannah at 7 weeks - yes, she takes a binky because if she didn't she'd be sucking on me 24/7. And at this point, that would drive me crazy. Not as in "drive me crazy" the stupid cliche, but "my PPD is coming back so bad at times that if I wasn't able to put the baby down and let her suck on a binky while dealing with Emma's toddler tantrums I'd honestly, literally be sucked down into the winding spiral of hell that I went through last time I gave birth".
Emma carrying her doll, Noodle, and Curious George. This is because we wear Savannah so often! I need to make this little girl a doll sling to match mine.
Savannah has the same long eyelashes of Emma and her Daddy, and they're getting dark, too!
I love the idea of the tattoos!
And the pictures? Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!