Saturday, May 16, 2009
I realized last night that blogging helped me intensely when I was going through PPD with both Emma and Savannah, and that I should start again to get ready for babe #3's birth.

Reid Alexander is due to arrive end of June-ish/very early July-ish. We are planning a home waterbirth that will be attended by our midwife Eileen and our doula/chiropracter, Jess. I'm thrilled and excited and not in the least bit nervous or anxious about this birth, which is 100% different than the other two times I've done this!!!

I can't wait to see how Emma and Savannah interact with their baby brother. They are both so excited and spend a lot of time talking to and about baby Reidy. Emma was thrilled to have a dream about holding her baby bruhver and talks about it constantly.

This time around I'll be going to the chiro twice a week for adjustments, taking Omega 3's, and dehyrating, encapsulating, and ingesting the placenta - all to ward off the PPD that honestly almost took my life. I will do everything and anything to NOT go through that again.

So here's a new start...

Posted by Kier at 4:53 PM |